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March 14th, 2020
WOD Teams of 3 For Time (30 Minute Cap): 75/53 Cal Bike or Row 5 Rounds of "DT" (155/105) 50/35 Cal Bike or Row 5 Rounds of "DT"...
March 7th, 2020
WOD Teams of 3 For Time (30 Minute Cap): 75 Power Snatches (75/55) Adv 95/65 1200m Relay Run 50 Power Snatches (95/65) Adv 115/85 800m...
February 1st, 2020
WOD Teams of 3: For Time (25 Minute Cap): 50 Bench Press (115/85) 50/35 Calorie Bike or Row 50 Deadlifts (155/105) 50/35 Calorie Bike or...
January 25th, 2020
WOD Teams of 3 AMRAP 30: 5 Toes to Bar 7/5 Cal Bike or 10/7 Cal Row 5 Hang Power Snatches *Bar Increases Every 6 Rounds
January 11th, 2020
WOD Teams of 3 or 2: For Time (30 Minute Cap): 75/50 Calorie Bike or Row 75 Power Snatches (75/55) 75 Thrusters (75/55) 75/50 Calorie...
January 3rd, 2020
Strength On the Minute x 10: 2 Box Front Squats WOD Teams of 3 AMRAP 20: 300m Row 20 Plate Hops 10 Thrusters (75/55)
December 28th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 For Time (30 Minute Cap): 120 Deadlifts (155/105) Row 750/600m or Bike 45/33 Cal 90 Hang Power Cleans (155/105) Row...
December 7th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 4 Rounds For Time (30 Minute Cap): 60 Cal Row or 75/60 Cal Bike 50 Pull-ups 40 Power Cleans 30 Thrusters Round 1: 95/65...
November 30th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 For Time (30 Minute Cap): 80 Shuttle Sprints 80/60 Calorie Row or Bike 80 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 80 Overhead Squats...
November 8th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 AMRAP 25: 200 Sandbag Run (50/35) 7 Burpees 7 Deadlifts (205/145) *Next Athlete Begins Round When Runner Returns
November 6th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 5 Rounds Minute 1: 50 Double Unders Minute 2: 25 AbMat Sit-ups Minute 3: Max Cal Bike or Row Minute 4: Rest *Score is...
October 16th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 AMRAP 25: 10/7 Calorie Bike or Row 10 Slamballs (30/20) 10 Shuttle Runs (10 Meters)
September 21st, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 For Time (30 Minute Cap): 60 Clean and Jerks (135/95) 400 Meter Team Run 10 Rope Climbs 400 Meter Team Run 100 Lateral...
September 18th, 2019
WOD Teams of 3 AMRAP 7: 50 Bench Press (135/95) 50 Bench Press (155/105) Max Bench Press (185/135) Rest 3 Minutes AMRAP 7: 50 Front...
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