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August 20th, 2020
WOD AMRAP 20: 400 Meter Run Max Strict Pull-ups
August 19th, 2020
WOD AMRAP 18: 45 Wallballs (20/14) 30/24 Cal Row or 20/14 Cal Bike 15 Deadlifts (275/185)
August 18th, 2020
WOD On the 4:00 x 6 Rounds: 200 Meter Run 10 Toes to Bar 5-5-4-4-3-3 Hang Power Cleans *Build In Weight On Hang Power Clean*
August 17th, 2020
WOD For Time: 20 Power Snatches (95/65) 20 Lateral Barbell Burpees 20 Overhead Squats (95/65) 20 Lateral Barbell Burpees 20 Squat...
August 14th, 2020
WOD AMRAP 5: Buy-In: 50/35 Cal Row or 40/30 Cal Bike Into Max Rounds: 30 Double Unders 15 Front Squats (95/65) Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP 5:...
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